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Practical information

Currency and Payments: The official currency in Sardinia is the Euro (€). Most shops, restaurants, and accommodations accept credit and prepaid cards such as Visa and MasterCard. However, it’s advisable to have some cash on hand, especially in smaller shops or local markets. ATMs are widely available in cities and tourist centers.

Shopping: Sardinia offers a rich variety of local products, including wines, cheeses, handmade ceramics, and traditional textiles. In local markets, you can find unique souvenirs and fresh products. Remember to negotiate prices in markets, but in boutiques and luxury stores, prices are fixed. A 22% Value Added Tax (VAT) is generally applied to purchases.

Electricity: The electric voltage in Sardinia is 230 V, with a frequency of 50 Hz. The electrical outlets are of the European type, with two round pins. Make sure to carry a universal adapter if you are coming from a region with different outlets.

Climate: The climate in Sardinia varies significantly depending on the season. Summer (from June to September) is hot and sunny, ideal for beach activities. Winter (from December to February) is cooler and may be rainy. Spring and autumn offer pleasant temperatures and are excellent seasons for exploring the island without the summer crowds.

Waste Collection: Sardinia is committed to sustainable waste management. You will find separate containers for collecting paper, plastic, and glass on the streets and beaches. Please respect waste disposal rules and contribute to keeping the natural beauty of the island clean.

Tipping: In Sardinia, tipping is not mandatory but appreciated. In many restaurants and bars, it is common to leave a tip of 10% of the total bill as a sign of gratitude for the service. However, always check if the service charge is included in the bill before leaving a tip.